RSVP by March 4
In the tradition of providing farmers the latest industry insights, the Iowa Corn District 4 Committee along with the Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) will host a crop fair Thursday, March 7, from 9 am to 12 pm in Coon Rapids at the American Legion Center, 419 Main St.
“The crop fairs give Iowa corn farmers access to information they might not get elsewhere,” explained Larry Buss, an ICPB director and farmer from Logan who chairs the Iowa Corn Grassroots Network, membership & Checkoff (GNMC) Committee. “Crop fairs are customized to include topics that fit each region of the state, with opportunities for farmer-to-farmer learning and a chance to interact with subject area experts on a variety of topics including legislative policy, water quality, market development and risk management.”
Registration will open at 8:30 am and lunch will be provided at noon to attendees.
• 9 am – Iowa DOT Rules and Regulations that Affect Your Farming, Sargent Kevin Killpack, Iowa Motor Vehicle Enforcement
• 10 am – Ag Market Outlook, Tim Christensen, Farm Management Specialist, ISU Extension
• 11 am – Creating Long-Term Profitability Opportunities Through the Iowa Corn Checkoff, TJ Page, Market Development Manager, Iowa Corn Growers Association
RSVPs are appreciated by March 4 to Janelle Kracht by calling 515-229-9980 or email
RSVPs are appreciated by March 4 to Janelle Kracht by calling 515-229-9980 or email
Crop fair sponsors include Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Corn District 4 Committee, Carroll County Corn Growers, ISU Extension Offices of Carroll, Greene and Guthrie Counties, Willow Creek Custom Inc., POET of Coon Rapids, Al’s Ag, Sporrer Seeds, Iowa Savings Bank and Helena.